Community Engagement Meeting IESO LT1 RFP Brooksdale Energy - This event has already occurred
Event Details:
Community Engagement Meeting
IESO LT1 RFP Brooksdale Energy
Proposed Development: 356508 35th Line Embro, ON
The purpose of this meeting is to provide a forum for the applicant and surrounding property owners/residents to review the proposal and to identify issues so that they may be considered before a development application is submitted to the City. This meeting gives you the opportunity to share with us any special information you know about the property involved. We will attempt to answer questions which may be relevant to meeting development standards consistent with Township of Embro’s Community Development Code and the respective Community Plan.
You are invited to attend the meeting on:
The meeting will be virtual on Microsoft Teams:
Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 255 563 549 642
Passcode: CX3eQ3
Or call in (audio only) +1 289-273-8077
Phone Conference ID: 798 991 572#
Link to Community Engagement To receive an e-mailed invite to the virtual Community Engagement meeting, please contact and an invitation will be forwarded to you.
Location: Location
Category: Category